Christianity and MacDonalds

If you go to McDonald's you may find a salad. However you may not find a salad. If there is a salad available you may still end up buying a Big Mac and eating the Big Mac. You may still enjoy the Big Mac because Big Macs are very popular. If you work very hard to resist all the other choices you may end up with a salad. However it will be very hard to resist all the Big Macs and all the other people who are eating Big Macs. If you go to a Christian church you may experience god. God is indeed on the menu. However there are a lot of other things on the menu. You are much more likely to walk out as a member of a social club. Much more likely to end up a fan of the beautiful music. You are much more likely to experience pop-Christianity. You may be persuaded to follow the marketing Jesus. This is the Jesus that results after the marketers and the pr people have finished with the Jesus of the Bible. My recommendation. If you want a salad, go to a vegetarian or vegan restaurant. Or, you could buy the salad ingredients and make your own salad- it's much cheaper and it's a far better salad.


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